LG Application Store Review: LG Exclusive Store?

Click on image to go to the store.


As I have covered the review LG GM730 Joy (Link) (It was called ‘Eigen previously, I got the name off Singtel Shop! But now it’s called ‘Joy’), I will be reviewing the LG Application Store, one of the major talking point of Joy. But first off, it is worthy to mention that not all applications in the LG Store is exclusive to LG phones!

All applications in the LG application store are Windows Mobile compatible, not just LG phones. Why? Because Windows Mobile is the OS of the phone and since the application has to run on it.

Windows Mobile applications have long been in the Internet even before Apple has got theirs. Veteran users of smartphones would certainly be familiar. But since this is a amateur blog, I would leave no stone uncovered.

So since LG store is not exclusive, can LG customers download applications from else where? Indeed. And in fact there is a wider range of selection. So then why would anyone want to restrict themselves to a smaller pool of selection?

Simply because Microsoft did not develop a marketplace for the windows mobile OS (but it is coming soon on Windows Mobile 6.5). As a result, developers sell on their own, and resellers sell and they are selling applications for several versions of windows mobile. In fact there have been 4 or 5 of them.

Software developers therefore did not have a one size fit all solution and hence less IT savvy users have difficulties ensuring that the software is compatible with their smartphones.

This is in my opinion, the selling point of the LG application store. You can get applications that are definitely going to work for your phone (As far as hard logic goes).

What’s in the store?

Like a online store that sells tangible items, the LG Store’s home page largely displays the applications available for sales, except that there are FREE applications! You will have to sign up an account to download applications (even the free ones). There are also two small boxes on the right hand side that display applications you have bought and applications you have browsed respectively.

There are 12 categories of applications including Games and Productivity. Because the LG store is relatively new, the range of applications are quite limited. LG has also got its own Developer’s Network, so there is a likelihood that there maybe more applications to come.

Furthermore, it appears the prices are probably a little expensive. For me, its paying the price to ensure that the application will turn out compatible with your mobile phone.

Like it's fruit name rival, there is two options, to download via the phone or the computer. BUT not all applications have both options. Some applications is only available via computer download. In the screenshot above, its an application that can be downloaded via computer and phone. And of course, those stars represent the user's rating.

With the background covered. Let's download applications! The first step is to create an account, which is a breeze in the LG store. However, there is a need to provide your phone number and network provider which in my opinion is unnecessary since downloading of applications have nothing to do with the network provider.

Via computer

For a start, I tried to download a FREE game called Draw Poker. It is the most download free game in the store.

To my surprise, when I click on the download button, there is no automation to download and install the game for me. I had to download the file to my desktop and transfer it to my phone for installation.

While there is a read me guide, it's a potential turn off for those who are unfamiliar with Windows Mobile because after the transfer, you would need to find the file via the file explored on the phone. Normally that file is a .cab file.

Installation on the phone is pretty easy after you find the installation file. Double click on the file, the rest is handled by the installation, apart from a few "do you want to continue".

Well, while the procedures aren't too complex, it's a far cry from the applications over at the Apple's. Too troublesome and could be too much to deal with for a average consumer without following the guide.

Via phone

The screenshot above are taken from the LG GM730 Joy that LG has loaned us for trial. I have to say the loading on the phone is even faster than accessing it from a computer. I was also impressed how the layout of the store turns out on the small screen. It is neat and incredibly easy to navigate.

I tried to buy and download a game called Ferrari GT Evolution HD. It will cost me S$8.75 as you can see in the screenshot. Payment is very much like other online payment, just provide the credit card details.

The game will stay in your account for future download as well. For each application purchase, there will also be an order confirmation sent to your email. Also, the download link only last for a week hence, if you loses the installation file, you will not be able to install it again. There is no limit to how many time you can install the game though.

The whole process of getting the application off the store is similar to via the computer. Save the installation file and run it. That is it. And it is certainly much easier to do it via the phone since user does not have to move the file to the phone and locate it.


If you are a LG phone user, the LG Application Store is a MUST visit place for you. I do feel that many smartphone users are not tapping on the potential of the smartphone and its applications. A store that could allow you to do away with the worry that the applications aren’t compatible with your phone is most welcome.

I do feel that LG has put in a decent effort to make the process of buying and installing as user friendly as possible. But I do think the installation has to be automatic because it could be a tab to troublesome for most.

The range of the applications have to increase and the developers supporting the store must increase as well. Judging from glances at the applications available, I have to say that most of them are already available elsewhere on the Net although as mentioned, downloading from the LG Store means you phone is compatible with it.

On a broader front, LG Store will improve the whole package of a LG Smartphone (not all LG phones support the application installation!). However, it is going to be a killer feature that consumers will dead for? I am not sure.

The success of the store will be dependent on LG coming up with a phone that is really innovative and capable of making full use of the applications store, probably something that is LG exclusive.

I have not own a LG before and would hesitate to recommend one in the past but it could probably change with the improvement the LG is beginning to show.