Highbrow: Start Learning!



[NEW STUFF] I am 5 years into my career and I still feel I am not doing enough to learn faster and wider everyday. Learning on the job is great for me so far. It is the past experience that is driving the thought at the back of mind from time to time. Having been in 3 different roles in 3 departments during this period, I learnt perspective can drive ideas that otherwise be hard to come up with.


Learning outside of workplace is equally important. Highbrow is one service that helps you to learn quickly, widely and free-of-charge. In their own words;


“Highbrow is a free email subscription service that brings bite-sized courses straight to your inbox every morning.”


Highbrow offers 66 courses in 12 difference catergories as of 5 February 2016. A one course consists of 10 emails sent every morning, Asia time zone supported as well. Each email takes about 5 minutes to read though a few reread and reference to other material quoted are very beneficial to gasping the topic.


All said, the most important aspect is the quality of the course. Courses that I have taken includes “The Basic of English Writing”, “Journey Into Minimalism” “, “Being and Staying Productive”. All of them are very good. Easy to understand and offers clear and concise tips.


Highbrow is free. This is not a advertisement for Highbrow. So go learn now!