NLB eBook Resources: Overdrive App

It has been around for so long but it's lack of fame really does it a lot of injustice. Well I am taking about one of the best Singapore's online resources; the National Library Board (NLB)'s ebooks library.

All you need is a smartphone (Android or iOS phone), download the "Overdrive" app, get an Adobe ID and starting downloading ebooks with your NLB Digital account or NRIC/Membership ID.

There isn't much to say about the Overdrive as it does just about what it is suppose to do, which is to allow you to browse, check out the books and download them. When we say "download" it does not really mean that you get to own the book forever. Instead the app is designed in a way where the book is kept on your mobile device offline but you won't be able to find a single file.

Overdrive is not an app developed by NLB, instead Overdrive is something like a digital library where it is hooked up to NLB's ebooks resources so ebooks can be borrowed in a digital manner.

There isn't an estimate to how many books is available on NLB ebooks platform but it works very for me so far!

Click the link below to find out exactly how to start borrowing now!

NLB How-To Page: