Microsoft going all out with Windows Phone 7

[COMMENTARY] I am always amazed by the number of RSS delivered from PC World everyday. Their range of topics is so wide that sometimes there simply too much articles I won’t consider reading since I have read it over at Engadget whose “tech humour” is still my favourite. But PC World still delivers some interesting read from time to time in which I like to pick up and post it here.

The latest of the line is this one on the marketing budget of the up and coming Windows Phone 7. For this blockbuster in the smartphone market, Microsoft is estimated to spend around half a billion dollars and according the report, this budget is the same for Windows XP, Xbox, Windows Vista and possibly Windows 7 as well.

Interesting fact find. Yet from the way I see it, Microsoft could have see that they spent the same for Windows Vista and Windows 7 but the degree of success is incredibly different. 

What does it say? Obviously my intelligence is not even a zillion of Microsoft’s but what is obivous to me is that you need a good product before dumping your marketing budget and expect to get away with it.

That’s the key to the success of Windows Phone 7. Can Microsoft get quality apps to the platform? Can the interface be modern and intuitive? There are quite a number of previews from the likes of Engadget and Slashgear and from the looks of it, Microsoft seems to be on the right track. Check out their preview at the end of this post.

For me, at least the home page look refreshingly different from Android and iOS. At least the home page is programmed to show useful information. At least, now you have an excuse to say why you didn’t buy iPhone 4 other than: “I don’t want to use the same phone like eveyone else.”.

Image Source: Engadget – Windows Phone 7 In-depth Preview
Source: PC World