Loyal customer of Singtel: The journey

The journey of being a Singtel customer often make up of a bi-yearly event of buying a new mobile with contract extension. This year, Singtel actually gave me an option of contract extension a $30 dollars Nokia voucher or a monthly $4 dollars rebate off my current bill.

That is rather kind of them, since they don’t normally give me such options. I remember having vouchers of tens of dollars usually. Unless of course, you call up and threaten to cut the line.

So much for being a 10 year old customer with Singtel.

Anyway, choosing the $4 dollar rebate is a much better choice, because the terms are that I will be getting the monthly rebate for my bill up till a point in the future where by I chose to buy a phone from Singtel at the contract price. Then the rebate crease and I can still buy a new phone at subsidied price. I also get more time to choose a new phone for myself.

And my daily visit to the Singtelshop.com begins.

And their consistent spamming of SMS continues…