Dell Swarm: Are you a Swarm-er?

If you are not one of the many Singaporeans who would go to great heights to find the ‘best’ notebook deal in town (such as squeezing your way through the crowd during the IT/PC shows), then DELL Swarm is simply perfect for you. From my perspective, it combines the following;

  1. Purchasing a brand new DELL notebook with a price that another fellow S’poreans would not laugh at
  2. Purchasing a DELL Studio notebook with considerably good specifications
  3. Purchasing the notebook in a unique way directly from DELL. No worries of warranty and all sort of retailers problems.
  4. Doing the above in the comfort of your home

WTH is DELL Swarm: Official Explanation - Link

WTH is DELL Swarm: My Explanation

  • Every swarm has an objective (ie. To buy a particular DELL notebook @ a special price)
  • If you are the first to lead the swarm towards the notebook, you get an EVEN better price.
  • You can spread the news of each new swarm to others via social networking tool or SMS to gather more swarm-ers.
  • Each swarm closes when there is 15 swarm-ers or when the time is up for the swarm’s mission (72 hours mission) and all will buy at the same price (apart for the swarm pioneer).
  • The rule of the mission? The more swarm-ers per swarm, the more successful the swarm is (ie. Lower price for everyone in the swarm)

Not too difficult to understand eh?

My opinion? Price is the almost the single most important attraction here.

I have to say that if DELL Swarm is going to be around for long, they will need to put several REALLY POWERFUL deals and promotion… because… the business model requires widespread support and I am … not… seeing anything about DELL Swarm on TODAY… the paper that probably has DELL advertisement as part of their trademark. Not a good sign that DELL is 100% behind this…

But still, DELL Swarm is something any potential DELL customer should look at nevertheless.
