We are NOT dead yet!

Hellooo! Its been a loooong time. 1 month to be exact. We are not dead. Specifically, I am not dead. More specifically, I survived the 1st month studying and working at the same time.

1 month may seem a short time but during this period, the CE (consumer electronic) market is pretty busy.

First, we have the iPhone. Certainly the most talked about phone ever. But the local iPhone price is ridiculous. And Nokia seems to have their very own "iPhone" as well.

Then we have the more recent Nintendo DSi. Camera, bigger screen and SD card slot.  

And there is many others such as the new Dell Latitude that promises whopping 19 hour battery life. And Canon G10! A compact camera that actually takes RAW format images. Ok, it may not be a REAL compact camera. But its performance is definitely worth the size.

As for myself, witnessing the turmoil of new gadgets, I have to take some action. In comes ASUS m530w. My new PDA smartphone. So far so good. I hope more updates can come from this speed monster (416 mhz processor, very fast for a phone already!). More updates to the blog to come! I hope.