Creative@The PC Show 2008

In the mist of an outstanding range of products at The PC Show 2008, I saw something that really does stand out from the rest. Introducing the Creative Vado.

My first thought is "Not another entry-level" audio player?" Indeed it is not. It is something else and it is shocking. Creative Vado is actually a pocket video cam. A portable one that only produces 640 x 480 video quality. And this really sums up Creative's latest product. Unless you count the "online sharing with YouTube and Photobucket".


With 30 fps, like our most of our mobilephones, I am not sure what exactly Vado has to offer. Due to the average video quality, the display has to be reduced so that the video will not appear worse. In a unlikely situation, I think if you need to take fun/causal videos everyday, Vado will be suitable. And in my opinion, Vado is recommended for the kids to play around with instead of snatching their parents' mobilephone.

While Creative claims high quality video, I am really not sure. But the price tag sure surprise me. S$169 is probably too steep for such a entry level gadget. Price slash is on the cards and by then it would be more worthy to buy it for the kids.

When will Creative recreate the fighting spirit?